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Find out what types of binary options are available. Find out more about the type of investment that promises to be more profitable than Crypto and Invest in the Stock Market. Keep reading to find out how to invest money.

Although most of the binary options that are conversational themes and that moving in the market of a single particular type, in reality there are several types of options. Not to mention the especially esoteric types of binary options, there are 5 main models for describing binary options: the all-or-nothing, asset-or-nothing, one-touch, and no barrier range touch) and double-touch (double no touch). The most cited options when talking about binary options are all-or-nothing options, but you can also find other types on different trading platforms and markets.  The use of the happens to be important here.

The Right Options

The all-or-none options are the best-known binary option type. In this type of option, an exercise price is determined (usually the price of the asset at the time the option is purchased). Once a contract has been purchased, it is either a “call” or a “put” sale, depending on the investor’s prediction of what the price will be at the end of the bidding period. If the investor hits at the time the contract expires, he earns a fixed amount, usually between 170% and 200% of the initial investment. If the investor cheats, he loses his investment, or in some cases only 10% or 15%.

  • Binary “asset-or-nothing” options are, for all intents and purposes, the same as the all-or-nothing options, except that profits are determined by the asset price because it is not an arbitrary investment. This has to do with how to pay for the asset, rather than being a contract for the asset, but this is nothing more than a semantic difference.